What to Buy for Baby - Our Top 3 Baby Must Haves

What things do you need for baby? As soon as you find out you're pregnant and get the news that you’re going to become a mom or dad, you’re overjoyed with love and excitement about baby — and then reality of having a newborn sets in. Once you bring home this tiny human bundle of joy, you'll want to have the baby essentials on hand.

There are so many new mom lists of the top baby items to put on your baby shower registry. Of course you’ll need a safe crib, the best stroller, the safest car seat, diapers, cute onesies, and want all of the top toys for your baby's nursery. There are some new mom and baby gifts that you’ll want to pay special attention to in order to maximize the time you can use them as your baby grows and their needs change — which happens sooner than you think!


#1 Baby Sleep: Blankets, Swaddles, Sleepsacks

Having good quality swaddle blankets on hand will help with more than getting baby to sleep through the night. They’re versatile and can be used for years to come, no matter your baby’s size. Make sure to have at least 5 muslin swaddles. Two swaddle blankets together can be great for nighttime sleep and naps when you bring baby home and for the first few months, or until they roll over. They also double as a stroller cover or baby carrier cover, stroller blanket, play mat for tummy time, park blanket, and more. 

A year-round sleepsack for all weather will save you the guess work of wondering if baby is too hot or too cold. Check the TOG ratings to see for which temperature the sleep bag is appropriate.


#2 Baby Carriers

You will wear your baby more than you think. Baby wearing has so many benefits for bonding to mom and baby, helps baby sleep better, and can free your hands to do things throughout the day, or even take a walk. That quick trip into the store is a breeze with a carrier if you don’t want to lug your stroller out of the car, or if you forget it. And traveling is so much easier when you baby wear. Investing in a baby carrier that can support a newborn through toddler, offering forward and inward facing options for your child, will come in handy.


#3 Baby Towels

Of course our list wouldn’t be complete without the proper hooded baby towel. Traditional hooded towels often don’t cover front to back, are too small, don’t keep either of you dry, and frankly, make bath time a challenge. Instead consider The Nestling. Our handsfree, wearable hooded baby towel is one size fits newborn to big kid. The unique design allows for parents to place their hands through the arm openings and pick up their child without the help of a second caregiver, all while staying dry. No tangles, no tears, no trying to figure out how to get baby out of the bath. The towel turns into a wearable robe for years to come and can also be used as a kids beach towel. And it's been named "mom hack of the year."

The Nestling is an organic baby towel and free from harmful toxins you don’t want on baby’s sensitive skin. It’s made by a mom, and it gives back to improving maternal health through Every Mother Counts.


With the right items on your baby registry, you're sure to go from pregnancy to motherhood and caring for baby with ease.